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Shandy Hauk is a Senior Research Associate in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Program at WestEd. Hauk has a PhD in mathematics and post-doc in educational research. She studies teaching and learning in mathematics, science, and engineering in grades 6 and up and has taught K-20 mathematics, graduate-level educational research, and grades 6 to 12 English/Language Arts. Contact: shandy (dot) hauk at gmail.com |
Published (see bottom of page for work in progress)
Hauk, S., N. Engelke Infante, C. Rasmussen, E. Lockwood, M. Zandieh, S. Brown, Y. Lai, & P. Hsu (to appear). Research in collegiate mathematics education. In C. Price (Ed). Association for Women in Mathematics: 2017 Symposium Proceedings. New York: Springer.
Hauk, S. (2017). Research in collegiate mathematics education arrives at the AWM Symposium. Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Newsletter, 47(4), 27-29. Available online at AWM Newsletter 47(4).
Hauk, S. & Mandinach, E. B. (2017). Exploration of the alignment of state data and infrastructure to mathematics and science success indicators. American Educational Research Association Online Paper Repository (search Shandy Hauk, result is 2017 paper).
Hauk, S., Jackson, B., & Tsay, J-J. (2017). Those who teach the teachers: Knowledge growth in teaching for mathematics teacher educators. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Online, peer-reviewed, see rume.org Proceedings website
Hauk, S., Toney, A., Judd, A. B., & Salguero, K. (2017). Research in courses before calculus through the lens of social justice. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Online, peer-reviewed, see rume.org Proceedings website
Hauk, S., & Matlen, B. (2017). Exploration of the factors that support learning: Web-based activity and testing systems in community college algebra, 2. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Online, peer-reviewed, see rume.org Proceedings website
Hauk, S., & Toney, A. (2016). Communication, culture, and work in mathematics education in departments of mathematical sciences (PDF). In J. Dewar, P. Hsu and H. Pollatsek (Eds.), Mathematics Education: A Spectrum of Work in Mathematical Sciences Departments (pp. 11-26). New York: Springer.
Kaser, J., & Hauk, S. (2016). To be or not to be an online instructor? MathAMATYC Educator 7(3), 41-47. ERIC Number: ED567767, files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED567767.pdf
Hauk, S., Salguero, K., & Kaser, J. (2016, March). How "good" is "good enough"? Exploring fidelity of implementations for a web-based activity and testing system in developmental algebra instruction. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Infante, K. Keene, and M. Zandieh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. ERIC Number: ED567765, files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED567765.pdf
Hauk, S., & Matlen, B. (2016). Exploration of the factors that support learning: Web-based activity and testing systems in community college algebra. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Infante, K. Keene, and M. Zandieh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. ERIC Number: ED567766, files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED567766.pdf
Hauk, S., Cremer, S., Carroll, C., D'Silva, K. M., Gale, M., et al. (2015) Connecting Concepts in Color: Patterns and Algebra. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 7, 15-20
Deshler, J. M., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. M. (2015). Professional development in teaching for mathematics graduate students (PDF). Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 62(6), 638-643.
Hauk, S., Toney, A. F., Nair, R., Yestness, N. R., & Troudt, M. (2015). Discourse in pedagogical content knowledge (PDF). In T. Fukakawa-Connelly (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Hauk, S., Toney, A., Jackson, B., Nair, R., & Tsay, J.-J. (2014). Developing a model of pedagogical content knowledge for secondary and post-secondary mathematics instruction (PDF). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 2 16-40.
Hauk, S., Powers, R. A., & Segalla, A. (2014). A comparison of web-based and paper-and-pencil homework on student performance in college algebra (PDF) PRIMUS DOI 10.1080/10511970.2014.906006.
Hauk, S., Yestness, N., Roach, K., & Berkowitz, A. (2014, April). Multiple perspectives on teacher implementation of learning progression teaching strategies in environmental science . Presentation and proceedings paper at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Philadelphia, PA).
Toney, A. F., Slaten, K. M., Peters, E. F., & Hauk, S. (2013). Color work to enhance proof-writing in college geometry. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 6, 9-20.
Hauk, S., Toney, A., Jackson, B., Nair, R., & Tsay, J.-J. (2013). Illustrating a theory of pedagogical content knowledge for secondary and post-secondary mathematics instruction. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Denver, CO).
Powers, R. A., Hauk, S., & Goss, M. (2013). Identifying change in secondary mathematics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Denver, CO).
Hauk, S. (2012). Understanding students’ perspectives: Mathematical autobiographies of undergraduates who are not math majors. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 5, 36-48.
Hauk, S., Chamberlin, M. C., Jackson, B., Yestness, N., King, K., & Raish, R. (2012). Interculturally rich mathematics pedagogical content knowledge for teacher leaders (long paper). In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Portland, OR). Of related interest: CRUME 15 - Electronic proceedings.
Tsay, J.-J., Judd, A. B., Hauk, S., & Davis, M. K. (2011). Case study of a college mathematics instructor: Patterns of classroom discourse. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 78, 205-229.
Hauk, S., & Segalla A. (2011). WeBWorK – Part II: Perceptions and success in college algebra. Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project, 3, 21-32.
Ku, H., Akarasriworn, C., Rice, L. A., Glassmeyer, D. M., & Mendoza, B., & Hauk, S. (2011). Lessons learned from teaching in hybrid learning environments for in-service mathematics teachers. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2011 Research Book (pp. 115-120).
Ku, H.Y., Akarasriworn, C., Rice, L., Glassmeyer, D., Mendoza, B. & Hauk, S. (2011). Facilitating effective online learning: Findings from a graduate mathematics education course. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 423-426). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Hauk, S., Yestness, N., & Novak, J. (2011). Transitioning from cultural diversity to cultural competence in mathematics instruction. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Portland, OR).
Hauk, S., Chamberlin, M., Cribari, R., Judd, A. B., Deon, R., Tisi, A., & Kakakhail, H. (2010). Case story: Mathematics teaching assistant. Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development, 12, 39-62.
Segalla, A., & Hauk, S. (2010). High school mathematics homework and WeBWorK: A match whose time has come. Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project, 2, 8-14.
Hauk, S., Jackson, B., & Noblet, K. (2010). No teacher left behind: Assessment of secondary mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Roach, K., Roberson, L., Tsay, J.-J., & Hauk, S. (2010). Mathematics graduate teaching assistants' question strategies. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC). Electronic proceedings.
Yestness, N., Hauk, S., & Awill, N. (2010). Teaching assistants and mid-term evaluation feedback from students. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC). Electronic proceedings.
Davis, M. K., Hauk, S., & Latiolais, P. (2009). Culturally responsive college mathematics. In B. Greer, S. Nelson-Barber, A. Powell, & S. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Culturally responsive mathematics education (pp. 345-372). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Hauk, S. & Isom, M. A. (2009). Fostering college students' autonomy in written mathematical justification (preprint). Investigations in Mathematics Learning 2(1), 49-70.
Davis, M. K., Grassl, R., Hauk, S., Mendoza-Spencer, B., & Yestness, N. (2009). Learning proof by mathematical induction. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Hauk, S., Mendoza-Spencer, B., & Toney, A. F. (2009). Teaching this beautiful math. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Tsay, J-J., & Hauk, S. (2009). Prospective elementary teachers’ multiplication schema for fractions. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Tsay, J-J., Hauk, S., Yestness, N., Davis, M. K., & Grassl, R. (2009). Teaching proof by mathematical induction. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Segalla, A., & Hauk, S. (2008). Using WeBWorK in an online course environment. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 128-144.
Hauk, S., Barzilai, H., Austin, H., Judd, A. B., Tsay, J-J. (2008). Pre-service teachers’ understanding of logical inference. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 1(2), 1-34.
Hauk, S., Lee, H., Marongelle, K., & Weber, K. (2008). Panel on doctoral programs in mathematics education. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Mendoza-Spencer, B., & Hauk, S. (2008). Novice college mathematics instructors' knowledge for teaching. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Toney, A. F., & Hauk, S. (2008). Women with advanced degrees in mathematics in doctoral programs in mathematics education. In M. Zandieh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Hauk, S. (2007). Teaching portfolio: Theory, research, and practice.
Tsay, J.-J., & Hauk, S. (2006). Multiplication schema for signed number: Case study of three prospective teachers. Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education, 1(1), 33-37.
Hauk, S. (2005). Mathematical autobiography among college learners in the United States. Adults Learning Mathematics International Journal 1(1), 36-56.
Hauk, S., & Segalla, A. (2005). Student perceptions of the web-based homework program WeBWorK in moderate enrollment college algebra courses. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24(3), 229-253. Related manuscript: A comparison of web-based and paper and pencil homework on student performance in college algebra by Hauk, S., Powers, R. A., Safer, A., & Segalla, A.
Farmer, J., Hauk, S., & Neumann, A. M. (2005). Negotiating reform: Implementing Process Standards in culturally responsive professional development (PDF of publisher's proof) High School Journal, 88(4), 59-71.
Hauk, S., Kung, D. T., Patterson, N., Segalla, A., & Speer, N. (2005). Video cases for novice college mathematics teacher development, in T. Gutmann, N. Speer, & T. J. Murphy's Emerging agendas and research directions on mathematics graduate student teaching assistants' beliefs, backgrounds, knowledge, and professional development. In G. M. Lloyd, M. Wilson, J. L. M. Wilkins, & S. L. Behm (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (electronic). Roanoke, VA: All Academic.
Selden, A., Selden, J., Hauk, S., & Mason, A. (2000). Why can't calculus students access their knowledge to solve non-routine problems? In E. Dubinsky, A. H. Schoenfeld, & J. Kaput (Eds.) Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. IV (pp. 128-153). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
Contributed Presentations:
Hauk, S. (2016, April). Mathematics Capstone Course Module Development. Poster presentation at Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice Symposium (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S. (2016, March). Elementary algebra and web-based tools - A research study. Plenary Ignite presentation at the annual Spring conference of the California Mathematics Council for Community Colleges (CMC3) - South (Pomona, CA).
Hauk, S., Hsu, E., & Speer, N. (2016, February). What would the research look like? Knowledge for teaching mathematics capstone courses for future secondary teachers. Poster presentation and description. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Speer, N., Hauk, S., & Deshler, J. (2016, February). Working Group for Research on Novice Teachers of College Mathematics (one-day working group session) at the 18th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Pittsburgh, PA).
Hauk, S., & Kaser, J. (2015, November). Exploring feasibility and fidelity of implementation for a web-based activity and testing system (WATS) in community college algebra. Research session presentation at the annual national conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) (New Orleans, LA).
Matlen, B. J., Hauk, S., Kao, Y. S., Schneider, S. A., & Viviani, K. (2015, November). A postsecondary mathematics study in progress: Assessing the impact of a web-based activity and testing system (WATS) for supporting students' algebra learning in community colleges. Research session presentation at the annual national conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) (New Orleans, LA).
Hauk, S. (2015, December). Examples of research on teaching in college mathematics: Web-based activity and testing systems. Research booth at the annual Fall conference of the California Mathematics Council for Community Colleges (CMC3) - North (Monterey, CA).
Hauk, S., Roach, K., Yestness, N., Kaser, J., Berkowitz, A., & Moore, J. C. (2015, April). Science learning progressions, discourse, and teacher pedagogical content knowledge. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching (Chicago, IL).
Hauk, S., Deshler, J., & Speer, N. (2015, February). Working Group for Research on Novice Teachers of College Mathematics (one-day working group session) at the 17th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Pittsburgh, PA).
Hauk, S. (2015, February). Design challenge: A randomized controlled trial of a web-based activity and test system in developmental algebra instruction. Plenary presentation and research design activity for the Working Group on Research in College Mathematics Instructor Development. 17th annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Pittsburgh, PA).
Hauk, S., Yestness, N. R., Roach, K., & Berkowitz, A. (2015, January). Teaching strategies and learning progressions in environmental science. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators (Portland, OR).
Deshler, J., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2014, February). Working Group for Research on Novice Teachers of College Mathematics (one-day working group session) at the 16th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Denver, CO).
Hauk, S., (2013, March, Invited). Measure twice, cut once. Plenary address at the 14th annual Math Day at the Beach for southern California high schools, California State University, Long Beach.
Hauk, S. (2013, September). Making Middle School Mathematics Accessible to All Students (MAS). Presentation at fall meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S. (2013, September). The making of Making Middle School Mathematics Accessible to All Students (MAS). Laptop poster presentation at fall meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S., Li, W., D'Silva K., & Schneider, S. (2013, September). Efficacy Study of a Web-Based Tutoring System for Algebra Readiness. Laptop poster presentation at fall meeting of Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S. (2013, June, Invited). Using video cases in college math instructor professional development. Session and workshop at the NSF-sponsored conference: Preparing graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA).
Hauk, S. (2013, June). Worked Examples: Implications for Practice of Recent Research. Plenary presentation at the annual No Question Left Behind conference, Research in STEM Education (RiSE) Center, University of Maine (Northport, ME).
Hauk, S., & Davis, M. K. (2013). Orchestrating mathematical conversation. Workshop at the RiSE Center annual No Question Left Behind conference (Northport, ME).
Davis, M. K., & Hauk, S. H. (2013). The next generation of common core progressions and assessment in mathematics and science. Plenary presentation, RiSE Center annual No Question Left Behind conference (Northport, ME).
Hauk, S., & Davis, M. K. (2013, June). Eliciting, assessing, and responding to student thinking. Workshop at the Northern California 7th annual Conference for Mathematics, Science, and CTE (Career and Technical Education) K-14 Teachers, City College of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA).
Beal, C. R., Hauk, S., Schneider, S., Li, W., & Harrison, C. (2013, April). Evaluation of a tutoring system for algebra readiness. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA).
Davenport, J., Viviani, K., Lepori, K., Hauk, S., & Schneider, S. (2012, September). Applying research-based design principles to improve middle school math outcomes. Presentation in Advances in Neuroscience Invited Symposium on Cognition in the Classroom: Bringing Research-Based Principles to Middle School Math session at the fall meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S., Allen, B., D'Silva, K. M., Li, W., & Ringstaff, C. (2013, March). Results of the efficacy study on the impact of the AnimalWatch System on middle school students' mathematics performance. Presentation at the spring meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (Washington, DC).
Hauk, S., Judd, A. B., Deon, R., & Kreps, J., (2006, February). No Teacher Left Behind. Presentation at the 9th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Piscataway, NJ).
Hauk, S., & Yestness, N. R. (2007, January). New Math Faculty. Presentation in MAA Contributed Paper Session IX at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (San Diego, CA).
Judd, A. B., Hauk, S., & Tsay, J.-J. (2002, July). Case study of a PhD mathematician teaching college algebra. Presentation at the 6th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Burlington, VT).
Lepori, K., Davenport, J., Hauk, S., Viviani, K., & Schneider, S. (2012, April). Integration of cognitive design principles with the Connected Mathematics Project curriculum. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Vancouver, BC).
Non-juried Paper and Poster Presentations
Hauk, S., Andrew, L., Dalton, C., Pendleton, K., Roach, K., & Yestness, N. (2006, April). The nature of personal mathematical history among UNC undergraduates in a liberal arts mathematics course (co-authors all graduate students in my graduate Qualitative Research course), University of Northern Colorado Research Day (Greeley, CO).
Hauk, S. & Miller, N., (2005, April). Workshop on Collegiate Mathematics Education Research (two hour introduction for mathematicians to identifying, reading, and analyzing collegiate mathematics education research), at the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Rocky Mountain Region (Greeley, CO).
Hauk, S. & Powers, R. A. (2004, January). Improving student performance and sense-making in Liberal Arts Mathematics. Paper presented at the Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America (Phoenix, AZ).
Moore, J., Hauk, S., Davis, M. K., & Miller-Jones, D., (2005, August). Beyond Gap Gazing: Culturally Responsive Educational System Modeling. Poster presented at the research meeting of the Center for Learning and Teaching in the West (Bozeman, MT).
Invited Panelist
Hauk, S., Lee, H., Marongelle, K., & Weber, K. (2008, February). Panel on doctoral programs in mathematics education. Panel at the 11th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Raleigh, NC).
Hauk, S., Oehrtman, M., Graham, K. J., & Murphy, T. J., (2005, January). Ph.D. Programs in Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Panel at the Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America (Atlanta, GA).
Belnap, J. K., Deshler, J., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2012, February). Working Group for Research on Novice Teachers of College Mathematics (one-day working group session) at the 15th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Portland, OR).
Hauk, S., Speer, N., Kung, D. T., & Tsay, J.-J. (forthcoming book/website). Video cases for novice college mathematics instructor development.
Hauk, S., & Yestness, N. R. (forthcoming). Professional development for novice college mathematics instructors: Preliminary results of a national survey of the top doctoral granting mathematics departments. Manuscript in preparation.
Melville-Smith, K., Hauk, S., Davis, M. K., & Mendoza-Spencer, B. (manuscript submitted). Other duties as required: Reflections on becoming a project manager in higher education.