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Graduate Course - Teaching and Learning K-12 Mathematics
This outline and list of readings is from the Fall 2004 course. Links for more recent offerings are available through my web site (see ). Pre-requisite course: Graduate Survey of
Research in Mathematics Education. Course activities included:
- A 150-500 word Summary & Review (see §A.7.1)
- Five compare and contrast essays. One on each of the following topics: elementary teacher
preparation, middle school teacher preparation, high school teacher preparation, technology, assessment.
- A minimum of three hours per week of discussion in-class of the history, issues, ideas, policies, and concepts involved in K-12 mathematics teaching and learning.
- A written exam and a viva voce final exam on the following topics: K-12 mathematics content; culturally responsive and responsible K-12 teacher pedagogical content knowledge development and teacher-educator pedagogical content knowledge development; national history and policy for K-12 teacher development; national history and policy regarding K-12 mathematics learning; international policy on K-12 teaching and learning; nature and scope of assessment (informal, formative, summative, national, normed, and ``standards-based'').
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Shandy Hauk