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Student comments

Students were instructed to use the lower part or back of the form to write any comments they wished to add. Representative student responses are given below.

From undergraduate students:

She is more than what this evaluation lists. As a prospective teacher, I appreciate her zeal and she will be one of the teachers I will use to model myself after.

Prof. Hauk made it possible for me to actually like Math. She always made her office hours available if any students were in need of help.

... a difficult teacher, her class was very challenging, but her assignments made me learn. Her project was one of the most challenging I've ever done. But, she was very helpful outside of class.

This is the first time in my ``math history" that I actually understood ``why" things happened and not just: ``here's your formula, memorize it!''

You will know who wrote this when you read this Prof. Hauk. This is the 3rd time I've taken your class & I really enjoyed the class. I found it to be fun and interesting when I gave it the chance. Math is still hard for me, as you can probably tell by my grade, but I DID enjoy it this semester! You were SOO helpful to me & a fun person after having spent some time with you in your office discussing math! You're great! Thanks again.

I failed or dropped Pre-Calculus each of the previous two semesters and began to doubt my ability in math. This class helped me regain my confidence.

Even though I've learned these things before, Prof. Hauk made me see them in a new light which helped me understand WHY things worked the way they do.

This was the hardest class I have ever taken in my life.

Considering I find math about as stimulating as a wet bed, Prof Hauk was a fair, clear and concise teacher. She understands that many students dread Math and was very interested in teaching the subject and giving the students the resources to learn the subject matter.

From graduate students:

Dr. Hauk made our class (and classroom) a safe place to learn, discuss, question, & challenge ideas. She created activities & facilitated discussions that allowed us to reflect on our beliefs and practices, synthesize the material we learned during the course of the semester, and relate this new information to courses we have taken.

I thought that combining her beliefs with teaching beliefs in general would be difficult but now I can embrace the differences among the beliefs and am able to interpret them on my own.

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Shandy Hauk 2007-01-18