- ... Hauk1
- Last updated 18 January 2007
- ... step.2
- In fact,
research into the role of pedagogical content knowledge in teaching
reveals that if
an instructor lacks sufficient pedagogical content
knowledge, what he considers an ``explanation''
may be percived by many students as gibberish [DavisDavis1997,SchoenfeldSchoenfeld1992].
- ... Mathematics3
- A lower-division, general education course at the level of College Algebra.
- ... weeks4
- The total number of college students I have taught since earning the Ph.D. - this number includes teaching for several years before arriving at UNC
- ... F.5
- Grade inflation in the 1960's led to typical distribution
of 20% A, 40%B, 26% C, 10%D, 4% F.
- ... class6
- See, for example, the course web pages available through http://hopper.unco.edu/hauk .
- ... Colorado7
- These include the now defunct university-wide evaluation form and my own end-of-term evaluation forms, longer than the departmental forms. I added these longer forms during my first year of teaching at UNC so that I could compare students responses at UNC to the responses of students at ASU and Chapman University on a similar collection of prompts.
- ... rating8
- a. The first student evaluation of teaching value is the exact value from (sum of ratings) divided by (number of respondents), the number in boldface is that value rounded to the nearest whole number.
- b.
- T.&L. = Teaching and Learning
- c.
- Page updated at the end of the Fall term, 12/23/2005.
- ... cycles9
- As the name implies, action-research is
based on a cycle of action and research steps: plan and implement, observe and
review; plan again, implement, observe, review, etc. The cycle will be repeated
on an annual basis.
- ... page10
- See, for example, http://hopper.unco.edu/faculty/personal/hauk/mat120/s04project2.html